Wrote Too Soon, continued

So my blog post titled “Wrote Too Soon” was about how my cyberstalker stalking harassers contacted BlueHost to participate in harassing me. I mentioned that I would post my online chats in a post and point to certain parts of the conversation to show demonstrate how I’m being cyberstalked and harassed… and even robbed. It’s been about a month since I spoke with BlueHost and posted the “Wrote Too Soon” post to the blog, so I wasn’t too fresh on the conversations I had with BlueHost. After reading through the conversations, it’s funny to me how, even though the harassment … Read the rest

More free time…

So these last couple of weeks have been super exhausting and I’ve been wanting to write more, but I haven’t been able to with the limited about of free time and energy. In anticipation to the more free time I’ll have, the cyberstalking stalker harassers around me have been messing with my internet connection, which is criminal, and have also tried to unkindly dissuade me from writing to this blog, which is definitely not going to happen. During these last couple of weeks, not only did I have to get through a ton of content, I had to deal with … Read the rest