Navy Stories #3

Joining the Navy, continued

So realizing that this Navy friend of mine had a major influence on the Navy got me thinking ever since, and unfortunately, I don’t think the influence has been an entirely positive one. I encountered a couple of stories, where I could be over analyzing and where my suspicions could be wrong, but these stories got me raising one, or two, eyebrows.

So the first story is… I forget exactly when I saw this video, I think it was after I spoke with the Navy recruiters, but I saw this video where a higher ranked Navy … Read the rest

“Missed schedule”

Yeah.. ok, so I scheduled the Navy Stories #2 blog post to post at a scheduled day and time, and I visited the blog website a day later to make sure the blog was posted and somehow the blog post didn’t post as expected. When I logged into the WordPress dashboard, the status of the blog post was “missed schedule.” How does that happen? Well, according to what I’ve read, this happens when many plugins are installed for scheduling and performing automated tasks on your WordPress website, and I don’t even have that many plugins and none of them are … Read the rest

Navy Stories #2

Joining the Navy, continued

The Navy recruiters were nice. I purposely didn’t schedule a meeting or call in advance because I didn’t want my cyberstalkers to contact the recruiters, as they did with the Army, and continue to control and interfere with my life. So I show up to the Navy recruiter office, and I can already tell that the recruiters were expecting me and that my cyberstalkers had already spoke with them, as they did with the Army recruiters. So I began the conversation saying that I wanted more information on joining the Navy reserve. They gave me some … Read the rest

No Service

So this is a very quick note I wanted to post which involves my internet connection and how these cyberstalkers and disable my connection to the internet. It was happening back home with my parents, now it’s happening here in the Navy. So it’s rare when I don’t get internet service, it’s generally reliable. But today I was going online to check on an information update and all of a sudden my internet goes out. I think this is mostly a form of retaliation for the content of the blog drafts I will post this week.

(My roommate kinda just … Read the rest

Navy Stories #1

Joining the Navy

So I already wrote about joining the military and why I chose the Navy, and as I wrote before, I was talking to the Army, which, unfortunately, didn’t work out, so that’s when I considered talking to other branches of the military. What was strange about talking to the Navy is there were no recruiters at the recruitment office a couple of doors down from the Army office, so I went to a Navy recruitment office a couple of miles away. This is strange because that office was very busy at one time. Was it the time … Read the rest

College Stories #9


So before I started college, I already had summer internships in mind. During high school, I watched The Apprentice and a candidate on the show was an INROADS intern, so I applied to this internship program during my freshman year of college. They had on campus practice interviews and other seminars, and I was waiting for an internship related to civil engineering. Then one day I get a call saying that they have an internship available and they are looking for an engineering major, and that the internship was with Google. I was going to hold off and wait … Read the rest

College Stories #8

Locked Doors

So this is another story where I didn’t even realize what was going on until years later, when harassers implicitly and indirectly told me what actually happened. So it was the second semester of my freshman year of college. I was taking calculus 2, which I had already taken in high school, but I figured taking the course a second time would ensure I have a solid understanding of the material. So this was a large class in a large classroom, although not the largest class or classroom. So before this class started, there was another class occupying … Read the rest

College Stories #7

Choosing a Major

So when I applied to UC Berkeley, I chose Undeclared/Intended Business as my choice for a major. At UC Berkeley, you have to apply to the business school to major in business, hence the “undeclared/intended.” The reason I chose Business is because I spent my high school years watching The Apprentice, and I absolutely loved that show; I used to get goose bumps when the theme song played. I would watch the show on Thursday nights and do my Chemistry homework during commercial breaks. Then I figured if the business major didn’t work out, that I would … Read the rest

College Stories #6

Moving Out

So living at home during college was actually saving me money. However, I was new to the commute and didn’t figure out the most efficient way to get to school until a couple of years later. I was working part time. I was starting to stress out, and my dad wasn’t making things any easier. I was actually starting to blame my dad. Like let’s say when I found myself press for time to finish assignments, I resorted to blaming my dad. Then I realized that makes no sense. I was just stressed out and frustrated and since … Read the rest

College Stories #5


So when I started going to college, I was eating out a lot and the new friends I was making would tell me about the dining halls. And even though I didn’t live at the dorms, I could still purchase a meal plan at the dining hall. After eating at the dining hall a couple of times, I figured purchasing a meal plan would be the most convenient and easiest thing for me to do. So I forget how I started talking to my parents about this; I was either printing out the paperwork from the printer in my … Read the rest