D Talks #36

This post is a follow up to D Talks #35. So after posting… well, even before posting D Talks #35, there were behaviors exhibited by people to deter me from posting that text conversation with Sprint; whether it was at the gym, while in transit from one place to another, or while I was in my assigned room. After posting, certain people started to act very unhinged. Typically, when I’m writing a draft, or doing something people don’t like, and most of the time it’s while I’m on my electronic devices, to retaliate people will drop heavy things on the … Read the rest

D Talks #35

Alright, so a couple of posts ago, I mentioned how I had no more hotspot data, which is strange because I rarely run out of hotspot data. The sketchiness with Sprint, the service provider, isn’t new. Many posts ago, during the last part of September or early October, I mentioned how my hotspot was disabled, which has never happened before, so I then called Sprint and had a sketchy conversation with a Sprint representative. The cyberstalking and harassment by Sprint conspiring with the cyberstalkers continues. My data was to reset on the 26th of December. At midnight, I tried to … Read the rest

D Talks #34

So the next couple of things I’ll write about regarding the whole medical board process, which I shouldn’t even be going through, are the phone meetings I had with the therapist and the lawyer. So I actually voice recorded these phone meetings, so I’ll listen to these audio recordings and start to write about them afterward.

By the way, I recently received the medical records from the hospital regarding my most recent visit. One document is about 50 pages and the other is a little bit more than 100 pages. It’ll take me some time to get through all these … Read the rest

D Talks #33

I still find it difficult to believe that all my hotspot data is used. I guess I’ll have to monitor my data usage by the day moving forward.

So, let me start this blog with an update regarding stalking and harassment, before I continue to write about my experience with the hospital and medical board. After not getting what I was expecting from the hospital grievance, my next best steps are to get a copy of my medical record from the hospital and send a demand letter. I reached out to the paralegal I hired to help write the employment … Read the rest

D Talks #32

So, I know I’ve already mentioned on this blog some of the things the cyberstalkers can do to control my iPhone. Not only has it been a year since I joined the navy, it’s also been more than a year since I’ve driven a vehicle. Also, living on base, I haven’t needed a vehicle and it’s rare when I’m in a vehicle. The reason I mention this is because after breakfast a couple of days ago, my iPhone’s Do Not Disturb While Driving feature was activated. From what I’m reading online, this feature is activated when the iPhone senses that … Read the rest

D Talks #31

So a couple of days ago I sent a tweet where I mentioned tweet activity stats, and the next day I got an email with stats for this blog from Google Analytics, so I figured I’d post them to the blog, because they are kind of suspicious.

November stats received on December 8th.
October stats received on November 3rd.
July stats received on August 4th.

The tweet in question was sent on December 7th, and the next day I received the email from Google Analytics. Of the only three monthly emails of this type, two of them were sent earlier … Read the rest

D Talks #30

[Written Yesterday]

So, some random stuff. Today is a duty day for me, which seem to be days where I get a lot more attention than usual; negative attention. For example, … never mind. Also, I realized that I made a mistake on last year’s tax return. I had a 401(k) sitting around from an internship I had with (censored)… ever heard of it. So I decided to rollover the 401(k) to an IRA, and I thought I opened a Roth IRA, but it was a traditional IRA, so I paid taxes on tax exempt funds. Anyway, I think the … Read the rest

D Talks #29

So, here’s a brief update on the whole psych ward and schizophrenia misdiagnosis situation. I didn’t have the opportunity to file a grievance while at the psych ward, so about a week after being discharged from the hospital, I found a number online to call and asked about how to file a grievance. I was sent a link to fill out an online form. I also researched and gathered information about false imprisonment at a hospital psych ward. While doing this research, I found a webpage where someone asked a question related to this topic, and a lawyer suggested filing … Read the rest

D Talks #28

It’s been a couple of days since my last post. I’m still being cyberstalked, and harassed. Since people are anticipating me writing to the blog soon, people have been a bit more expressive. Anyway, so I’ve mentioned before in previous posts that I filed a complaint with the DFEH regarding an employer. As a matter of fact, I actually uploaded a couple of phone conversations I had with DFEH representatives, so searched the blog for “DFEH” using the search bar to listen to those recordings. I last wrote that I received a phone call from the DFEH, and people around … Read the rest