D Talks #63

So, recently, my MacBook Air started not functioning properly, to the point where it’s not functional. I actually posted a photo of the folder with a question mark that was displayed. Anyway, like I already mentioned, it’s difficult for me to believe that this error is occurring naturally… but I could be wrong; it could be my cyberstalkers just gaslighting. Since the MacBook Air wasn’t functioning properly, I purchased a new Mac Mini; well, at first I bought a new MacBook Air, but then I decided I’d rather have a monitor.

I anticipated my cyberstalkers having some kind of ability … Read the rest

D Talks #62

So, after the last blog where I posted an audio recording of the YouTuber peeping toms, they stopped harassing me, until today, and they were loud and clear.

There’s been this heightened effort to cause me some emotional distress lately. I can understand the sentiment, but does it make any logical sense. Absolutely not. Why? Because these people should really just leave me in peace. So I guess these YouTuber peeping toms decided to harass me again to “kick a dog when it’s down” … as if that isn’t already the norm, but I stopped wearing my face mask a … Read the rest

D Talks #61

So, this will be a quick blog, and yeah, there’s a lot of suspicion, so I’m not sure how accurate my observations are. Anyway, so the other day, probably about a week ago, for some reason I searched for my ex girlfriend’s Instagram account. I’m sure she blocked me. So I searched for her stepdad, whose account has never been private. It’s been a while since I visited his account. One thing I observed is his last post was from about a year ago, which seemed strange, because I would have guessed the most recent post would be more recent. … Read the rest

D Talks #60

YouTuber Peeping Toms

So, I can see this becoming more of a regular thing, where I audio record these YouTubers, or whoever, or whatever, they are, verbally harassing me. After posting the audio recording of these YouTuber Peeping Toms in D Talks #59, I don’t think I heard them again, until today; lately, Japanese anime has been playing on my roommates speakers.

Anyway, so again, I went through the recording briefly and took note of what I heard; some of the stuff is clear, some isn’t. This time the volume from my roommates speakers was lower, so the words these … Read the rest

D Talks #59

YouTuber Peeping Toms

So, after writing the last blog, the YouTubers took some time off from peeping tomming, me, kinda. The volume on my roommate’s speakers were low when they were peeping tomming, and there were times when it was actually quiet. Now I’m not sure why, but these YouTuber Peeping Toms were at it again this morning. Loud speakers, verbal harassment, and even third party harassment; I thought I heard one of the YouTuber Peeping Toms sound like one of my sisters. I’m sure I actually heard one of my sisters one time.

Anyway, so I woke up this … Read the rest