D Talks #67


I can almost hear my harassers saying “oh no! Don’t post that.” So one thing this cyberstalking culture fosters is menacing behavior, which is illegal behavior. This morning, this is what I saw:

So I saw this strategically placed five dollar bill in a pot hole. (I’m almost sure this person close to me just whispered “that hurt”). It’s possible this five dollar bill was not strategically placed, however, I saw this moments before I saw a brown Lincoln Navigator that was spewing out fuel lean toxic fumes; as if to encourage the idea of suicide. I’m sure this … Read the rest

D Talks #66

So, I’ve written blogs related to my activity with stocks when writing about a compromised stock broker. Now I have something very recent to write about related to my activity with stocks.

So, my cyberstalkers are still interfering with my everyday life, and this includes my activity with stocks. Lately, I’ve been more active with stocks. The application I’ve been using closed unexpectedly several times the last couple of days, which could be a coincidence, but with the responses I get from these stalkers, it doesn’t seem like it. Anyway, so Friday, I took note of a couple of stocks, … Read the rest

D Talks #65

iPhone and iMac cyberstalking

So, this morning, my iPhone alarm was interfered with by the cyberstalkers, again. The 4am alarm didn’t sound off, but the 4:30am alarm did. Then later in the morning, I return to my iMac, and tap the keyboard to login, but the display remained off. I then tap the mouse, and the display still remained off. So the keyboard and mouse were somehow disconnected from the iMac, which seems very strange and has never happened before. The battery on both the keyboard and mouse were still charged enough, and I have a photo of that. So … Read the rest

D Talks #64

iPhone Alarm

So, yesterday I was on my new iMac and it definitely seemed like the cyberstalkers were messing with the functionality; the mouse pointer was lagging and I wasn’t getting an internet connection. When the mouse pointer started lagging, I said aloud, “should I screen record this and post it to the internet?” Almost immediately after saying that, the mouse pointer stopped lagging. Then later, even though the WiFi was connected, I wasn’t getting an internet connection and my calendars weren’t syncing. I didn’t say anything initially and just ignored it. After reconnecting the iPhone to the iMac several … Read the rest