D Talks #20

So, again, continuing where I left off with the last post: So the morning of Day #5, I wake up early. Since it’s a weekend day, patients are not required to be out of bed until later. I was hoping to leave the hospital a day or two after being admitted to the psych ward, but since I reached the weekend, I figured I might as well start reading a book, so that I wouldn’t get bored. I get a book from the bookshelf, was asked if I wanted to take my prescribed medication, which I said “no” to, and then I napped until breakfast.

During the AM community meeting, people were saying “that hurts” and I wasn’t sure why. One patient didn’t show up to the AM community meeting. The night before, this patient was putting on an act. This patient was somewhat yelling or something; there was some commotion, and I was laying in bed, so I just ignored it and didn’t really buy into it. This patient yells “I want to leave!” and “get out!… get out of my room!” So what was the reason for this act? Well, like I mentioned in the last post, people thought that I was going to get upset by the fact that I was going to have to stay at the psych ward over the weekend. Like I mentioned before, their efforts were to derange. So there were many times where a patient would act out in a way that they wanted me to behave or react to a situation; these people really don’t understand me or want to mold me into someone I’m not. So when I heard this patient yell this, I could tell that my family had told the people there to act this out. See, my sister was in my room one day and I told her to get out, and she wouldn’t. So I shouted and told her to get out. So yeah, my family wants to portray me negatively. When I realized that the people I was comfortable with, friends and family, were going to start trying to portray me negatively, I was way less comfortable around them. Which is why now I’m very careful with the way I behave. This same patient is the one who said “abandoned,” and one day, this patient indirectly told me, “yeah, I’m talking to them,” letting me know she’s been talking with my family. You know how I said that I’m sure people being admitted to the ward were only there because I was there, to remind me of someone. Well this patient kind of looked like this family friend who was an alcoholic. As if people are telling me to become an alcoholic, which is awful. So while I’m talking about this patient, per my notes, this patient asked to sit at the table I was at. I said “sure.” This patient tells me “I’m so angry,” or something about anger. I ask this patient, “is it people?” This patient replies, “it’s everything.” So this patient thinks I have anger issues, and I don’t. I don’t think this patient has anger issues either; I think this patient was acting. So I play along and tell this patient that what I learned in martial arts is to convert negative energy into positive energy; turn negatives into positives. I tell this patient I like to exercise. I might talk about this patient more as I go through my notes. By the way, I thought everyone there was cool, in their own way; I don’t take things personally.

So let me talk about the roommates I had there at the ward. My first roommate looked like an old friend of mine who ended up getting separated from the military for medical reasons. Was this intentionally arranged? Yes, I think so, and this patient left with a bag of medication. Then I had a second roommate. This roommate was more talkative and also had the same name of a cousin of mine, who I think was separated from the military for medical reasons; and yes, I also think this was intentionally arranged. So during lunch, my second roommate asks to sit at the table I was sitting at. By the way, this second roommate helped me with the phrase “peacefully protest.” This second roommate also mentioned “hitting the panic button” and I think it was in reference to diagnosing me with schizophrenia.

So during lunch, this second roommate talks about being separated from the military, as if to suggest, that is what my next steps should be. However, I didn’t even waste my energy considering that option, because I don’t want to be separated from the military, I’m not sick, I was deceitfully and spitefully taken to the ER, falsely admitted to a psych ward, falsely imprisoned, and I can prove it. Which made me consider another reason this all happened. I already mentioned one reason was retaliation for writing to my blog. Now, I realized another reason was to try to have me separate from the military… which is so bad, and the proof is in the pudding. People have been telling me to “leave” the whole time I’ve been here. And I was so focused on how this whole situation was wrong from the start, and how messy the situation was, that I never, and still don’t, even considered medical separation. My job is in high demand, so why would the officers in charge, those focused on the mission, want to medically separate someone who is fully capable of performing their duties. When I finally had access to the Internet, I searched around and found a website about military medical separations. After reading this website, my guess is this is where my stalkers got the idea from. The website states “When a military member has a medical condition (including mental health conditions) that renders them unfit to perform their required duties, they may be separated (or retired) from the military for medical reasons.” So the night before I went to the hospital, I was studying, filling out some study sheet questions. I’d say about an hour or so before I started studying, I was probably on the Internet, and I poured water from a new water filter pitcher I bought, and I added some water flavor enhancer. When I drank the water, it didn’t taste so good, and my roommate started laughing, and it seemed like he was laughing at me. The water kind of tasted what would seem toilet water, so I figured my roommate might have put toilet water in my brand new water filter pitcher. I wasn’t too sure. So I drank water from the pitcher again, and the water tasted fine, without the water enhancer. So I was confused why the water tasted bad, the tap water doesn’t tastes the best; there’s a reason I purchased the water filter pitcher. It wasn’t until after the hospital, that I considered that my roommate might have put either toilet water, or regular tap water, in the water enhancer. Whatever, it annoyed me, but since I couldn’t be too sure, I wasn’t going to let it bother me. ((Jesus! All these things in my food and drinks, and it’s not like I’m getting paid for it, or like I’m on a TV show or anything…)) Anyway, so that afternoon, I was studying. I was a little distracted because I’d rather be on the Internet. I was also really tired from the gym. This study sheet wasn’t due and the next test wasn’t until the following week, so no pressure; I just wanted to be more prepared for the next test than I was for the last test. So the next day during class, the teacher asks how the study sheets are going, and I say that I got through most of the first sheet, and then my classmate says that he got through the whole first sheet; as if to suggest that I had been so devastated by potentially drinking some toilet water, that I wasn’t even able to function. (See, like right now, the Spotify advertisement for the water enhancer just played; it could be random, but was most likely controlled by cyberstalkers.) My roommate would even whisper “broke you” when I returned from the hospital. Anyway, so how were these people even aware that I was distracted, not focusing all of my attention on the study sheet questions? My roommate wasn’t in the room. It’s because there has to be a camera on me. So the stalkers want to make this claim that since I wasn’t entirely focused, that I’m unable to function, mentally. Let me see how much of the study guide I finished… let’s say, 13.5 questions out of 19 total, which is about 70%, not making a full effort. I could see if my classmates finished every single question of every single sheet, and there are about 100 questions total, and if it was due that day, but that’s not the case… so it was a serious exaggeration. Since the class started, I had two test and several labs; and I performed well, so my overall performance of the class was good, so again, an exaggeration, and glass lighting because it’s not like this was even explicitly talked about with me. Actually, you know what, the teacher did tell me, while I was talking about the hazing to the people in charge of the school, “I can see that this has had an affect on you…” and I probably shrugged my shoulders, smirked, and shook my head in disagreement to probably say “not really” or “how so exactly?” without interrupting. This website is probably also the reason the doctors were saying I was admitted “out of concerns from my command.” So not thinking things through, and considering false imprisonment, the stalkers deceitfully and spitefully took me to the ER to have me falsely admitted to a psych ward, out of retaliation, with an effort to have me medically separated from the military.

To be continued…