D Talks #5

So it’s been a couple of days since I last posted to the blog, and some people have been big mad, for several reasons. One, because I told the Internet how people harass me and then say “Noey.” Two, because I posted that phone call with DFEH where I sound very polite and kind, which makes me look good, because yeah, I am a kind, polite, and tolerant person. And yeah, I can also be a jerk when I need to stand up for myself when I’m being harassed. Actually, you know what, I was supposed to get an email or something from the DFEH by Friday, but haven’t received anything yet. And, you know what, there was this one time during class where one of my classmates chugged an energy drink and started dozing off and so the teacher told him to wake up. I thought this was hilarious, especially because he was harassing me a couple of minutes before. This hurt his feelings and he called me a jerk; then I said, “am I really, or you just don’t like me,” because I barely even talk. Then this guy I’m talking about actually started to make an effort to greet me every time he saw me and sometimes I was confused because sometimes it actually seemed sincere.

So after posting the post where I talk about Noey, there were moments of kindness, but it didn’t last for long, and the cyberstalking continues. As a matter of fact, after that last sentence, I wanted to start writing from my iPhone because my MacBook battery was low, but then there was a syncing error with the Pages application. So now, I can’t use the WordPress cloud nor the iCloud for Pages to write from both devices because of syncing and saving errors, so now I’m utilizing email drafts syncing with the Gmail cloud; definitely the cyberstalking stalker harassers trying to stop me from writing as I heard people down the hall say “don’t talk.” Also, that day, there were these civilian workers outside my window verbally harassing me. I guess they were trying to get me upset so I could shout a curse word or something, but instead, I took photos of them. I think the reason they were trying to upset me to the point where I curse at them is because they wanted to demonstrate that I’m not the kind polite tolerant person that was speaking with the DFEH representative, which makes no sense. I can be a nice person and I can be a mean person, it all depends on the situation; and having the wisdom to know when and how to behave a certain way is very important… and nobody’s perfect, so actions do definitely speak louder than words. Then it was time for lunch and I usually always get a salad. This time I grabbed a salad that was moldy. I wanted to think this was not intentional because anybody could have grabbed this salad. I went to the cafeteria to let them know that my salad had mold and asked if I could get a new one, and they said sure, and that they would let the people in the back know that there was mold found in one of the salads. Everything tells me this was intentional; I guess I’ll have to take it upon myself to make sure there’s no mold in the salad next time. I went for a swim afterward.

So a couple of days ago, people were intentionally adjusting their pants as if to relieve an itch down there. It was a bit excessive and obvious, and coincidentally that same morning, something was definitely happening down there for me, and people seemed to have known about it, obviously. Initially, I thought it might have been a splash from the toilet water, but then how would people know? Which got me thinking, someone probably got into my boxer briefs and put something there. Which then got me thinking even further because about a week ago I bought some beef jerky and got a bad skin reaction. I thought it might have been because the beef jerky was oily. People kind of anticipated this happening to me, and I thought probably because other people have had similar reactions. But the allergic reaction was kinda bad, if it was an allergic reaction, and if it was this bad, then that stuff shouldn’t be sold to people or there should be a warning label. So I went to the store today to see if I could buy the same beef jerky, but there weren’t any. So I went to a store representative and told them I was looking to purchase that beef jerky because I had an allergic reaction, and I wanted to see if I would get that reaction again. If so, I would have definitely narrowed down the source of the allergic reaction, so then the store could issue a recall or something to keep consumers safe. So the store representative has me speak with the store manager, and the store manager tells me they haven’t had anyone else complain about having an allergic reaction to that beef jerky, and then she suggested that I go see a doctor, and I was like damn, I should go see a doctor. The skin reaction is mostly gone, but the tip of my nose is red, and is healing much slower than the rest of the area. So I go to the medical facility, and it’s closed, but there’s an after hours number to call. I called, and there was an option to speak with a nurse. So I follow through with the options to speak with a nurse and I finally speak with a nurse who tells me that she’ll schedule an appointment for me at another facility. I then spoke with another nurse for some reason, and this nurse whispered… or not even whispered, but said “that hurt” while I was talking, and I asked to clarify, and then she said something totally different, it didn’t even rhyme; what she was referring to, I’m not sure. Anyway, they tell me the address and phone number to the facility, and this whole process, from speaking with the store manager to speaking with the nurse seemed sketchy. I don’t have a car, and it’ll cost me too much money for me not to wait until Monday to see the doctor here close to me within walking distance. It’s not really urgent or an emergency, all I’m really looking for is expert medical advice. So I ask someone in charge if there is a driver that can take me to this facility, and they tell me not really, for whatever reason, but that they could call an ambulance to take me. While this person in charge is telling me this, after she says “ambulance” she follows up with “you need an ambulance” somewhat under her breath and indirectly as if she wasn’t saying that to me, but just saying aloud, then she kind of flaunted her teeth, I guess to allude to when my cousin attacked me and an ambulance took me to the ER. Anyway, I just thought, WTF dude, whatever, I have no idea why you wanna be this way, but I’ll just wait until Monday.