D Talks #56

February 10, 2021

Cyberstalking – spam calls

So, after I finished writing the blog post from yesterday, I actually received a couple more spam calls and a voice message.

So, I kind of have an idea of what the cyberstalkers are trying to message to me. With the calls from Berkeley shown in the previous post, I sensed those calls were from my roommate, as if he was praising me to justify his harassment, which I guess is patronizing. Then I received those series of calls on Monday, the 8th of February, and my guess is the cyberstalkers were implicitly trying to call me a criminal despite have a degree. Then I received those series of calls yesterday, Tuesday, the 9th of February, and my guess is the cyberstalkers were implicitly trying to allude to something, but I’m not very sure exactly. Before I write about it, I’ll continue to observe what the cyberstalkers continue to message to me, because, if my guess is wrong, it does sound like a stretch. However, if my guess is correct, then it demonstrates the extent of this cyberstalking network… or not… see, I just thought of one possibility that wouldn’t make this guess that much of a stretch; it would still be a very interesting story nonetheless.

Medical Appointment, Rideshare Applications

So, today, I had a medical appointment for the medical board process I was referred to. This is the third time I requested a duty driver, and the third time scheduling a driver was not successful. I do believe this was target harassment, as in, I was purposefully deprived of scheduling a ride from the duty driver. Anyway, so I launch the Uber application and it shows no drivers available. It could be that the application needed to load, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a way to direct me to the Lyft application. Actually, I launched the Uber application on Monday, and I saw a price, so I’m sure drivers were available during this moment, so… I don’t know. Anyway, I figured I’d use Lyft either way because I’ve been receiving promotional emails about a 5% cash back when paying with a credit card I have. So I scheduled a Lyft, and, with the nature of this cyberstalking culture, I already anticipate a couple of things. I anticipate that the driver is going to know who I am because the driver was either coordinated by the cyberstalkers or the cyberstalkers spoke with the driver. I also anticipate being harassed at my destination because the people there are expecting me and already have spoke with the cyberstalkers. Both of these anticipations were accurate. I think the person who picked me up alluded to illegal immigration. I’m sure I’ve written about it before, but illegal immigrants tend to not be too fond of me… actually, no, yeah, I’ve written about this when writing about my experience with the employer who I reported to the DFEH. I need to write an updated post on this topic of illegal immigration. Actually, I’ve written about this topic more than once because I’ve mentioned how I grew up with many people who were in the country illegally. I guess I really do need to revisit the topic. Anyway, so illegal immigrants tend to not be too fond of me, which is unfortunate because some of the people who were closest to me are or were in the country illegally, and it seems like I can’t do anything to win certain people over, even though my stance against illegal immigration would favor these people.

Anyway, so this driver who picks me up, alludes to illegal immigrants. Was this person an illegal immigrant? I’m not sure. This driver also played a song, on the radio, and the song was about falling; the song kept on mentioning falling. Then, when I got to the waiting room, I saw this movie where this guy talks about falling from a plane or something; he talks about how he calculated how much time he would be in free fall; you might have seen the movie. These incidents regarding falling might have been a coincident, but I have also heard people whisper what sounded like “fall” and I also wrote and posted audio of that psychiatrist who might have said “schedule a fall appointment.” Also, there seems to be this idea that my roommate has the key to my room, and, I’m convinced, is watching me via a camera in the room, to save me from suicide; a fall specifically, even though I’m on the first floor. About the camera, I could be wrong, but like I said before, with time I’ll be more assured, but I’m convinced. By the way, let me be clear: I will never commit suicide. I believe suicide is a disservice to humanity.

Alright, so that was a good way to address several topics. So this driver drops me off, and I check in with the receptionist. I was told my temperature was 97.5 degrees, which was strange because I jogged about 0.5 miles in boots wearing a, light, backpack; and usually when I get my temperature checked, most people don’t tell me my temperature. So, from the start, I can already see that I’ll probably start experiencing more harassment while waiting for my appointment. So as I wait, there’s a male patient who leaves the doctors office with two earrings, which is fine, I don’t judge, I believe in freedom and stuff. However, people tend to call me “bi” or “gay” and really want me to actually orient my sexuality towards people of the same sex. This is annoying to me. My belief is sexuality is fluid, people can choose to be heterosexual or homosexual. However, for the sake of humanity, it’s probably best for the majority of people to be heterosexual, and make good humans. Anyway, so this guy leaving with two earrings, I believe, was coordinated, but could be a coincident. Some other guy randomly said “ow.” The receptionist lady said “he’s hurt” and “off” among other things. Some guy randomly says “that’s it” and I reply saying “it’s me.” The doctor kept on calling males “misses.” And I have a whole list of things, but I think that will suffice.

I then get called to see the doctor. The appointment was quick. I then wait for a Lyft. As I was waiting, I was getting attention in the form of some indirect verbal comments, I wouldn’t really call it harassment. Then the driver shows up, and I could tell this person already knew who I was. This person didn’t really allude to much, but I read something that made me laugh, and this person whispered “that hurts,” not too sure exactly why.

So I have two more medical appointments, both on the same day luckily. Do I expect the stalking to continue? Yes. The day I have my appointment, if scheduling a duty driver is not successful, I won’t be surprised. If the person who picks me up via a rideshare application knows who I am and spoke with cyberstalkers, I won’t be surprised. If there’s harassment at the doctor’s waiting room, I won’t be surprised. If there’s some kind of glitch with these applications, I won’t be surprised.

February 11, 2021

undercooked eggs

here are those undercooked eggs mentioned in Vlog #4, lol:

February 12, 2021

cyberstalking – Uber

Alright, so, as I’ve mentioned, I’ve experienced harassment from Uber. One time I received some kind of notification saying that I owed a dollar, but never paid the dollar, and wasn’t notified about this dollar any time after. I looked around for screenshots of this one dollar owed notification, and didn’t find any. However, I did find some screenshots and emails demonstrating very odd activity, which I’m convinced is targeted harassment.

So I wrote about my thanksgivings and how I spent the night at a hotel during thanksgiving of 2019 because of thanksgiving of 2018. To get to the hotel, I took an Uber. I have the receipt, and I’ll make it available for reference, but I don’t see anything that’s obvious without-a-doubt harassment. However, it might have been during this scheduling of an Uber, to get to the hotel, that I might have seen that notification saying that I owed a dollar, and I’ll explain this when describing the email receipts received by Uber. Anyway, so when I scheduled an Uber to get home, some sketchy activity and “glitches” occur, which convince me this was targeted harassment. So lets start with some screenshots:

So, as you can see, I scheduled an Uber to go home from the hotel, and this Uber was in the parking lot, at the back of the hotel, making its way to the front of the hotel. The screen shows the Uber arriving in 2 minutes, and for what I can recall, I was waiting for several minutes; I must have taken the screenshot for this reason.

A minute after the previous screenshot was taken, the driver cancels the trip, which is odd because the driver was already there.

So I checked to see when I received the notification telling me the Uber details, which was received about 6 minutes before the cancellation.

So I scheduled another Uber to get home and received notifications.

So a couple of odd things here:

  • the photo of the driver is blurred, however, I must note that the driver looks like a neighbor I had and I don’t think this is a coincident. I’ll talk about this neighbor more, because this neighbor will be mentioned a couple of times when discussing my experience with cyberstalking. Briefly though, this neighbor was very nice, educated, and social, and it’s to my father’s benefit to have this person on his side.
  • also, see how my location is under the car; I don’t think that is a coincident.
  • also, I’m sure I took this screenshot because the Uber was at the back of the building for more than 2 minutes. For what I recall, I actually went outside the building, and saw the driver in front of the building while the application still showed the driver at the back of the building.
  • oh, actually, you see how it says “I’ve arrived” and the driver is at the back of the building, away from the meeting point?

So during the drive, I try to figure out why I was charged a cancellation fee for the driver cancelling… makes no sense and is unfair. I don’t know, this doesn’t make sense to me. Let’s say I cancelled the Uber, sure, I’d expect a cancellation fee without the option to request a refund. I don’t like this policy here. So in this case, the driver cancels a request, and the rider is charged a cancellation fee!? That doesn’t make any sense… then the rider has the option to request a refund for this involuntary cancellation fee… very odd, annoying, and illogical.

I don’t recall exactly how I was notified of this cancellation fee… I don’t have any screen shots or emails that would explain this. Now let’s say I chose not to use Uber and chose to use Lyft instead. I’d say that Uber robbed me of $5.25 because this refund was added to the Uber Cash balance. I was charged an illogical involuntary cancellation fee for the driver cancelling a request, and even though the request for a refund was quick and easy, it was added to Uber Cash… sounds like robbery to me.

Alright, so those are the screenshots, now here are the emails I received:

  • Thursday Evening Trip Receipt
  • Friday Morning Cancelled Trip Receipt
  • Friday Morning Trip Receipt
  • Friday Morning Trip Tip Receipt

Thursday Evening Trip Receipt

Click here to expand image.

  • This is just for reference.

Friday Morning Canceled Trip Receipt

Click here to expand image.

  • So, for what I can recall, I was oblivious to the reason I was charged a cancellation fee. I got home with the second Uber request at 12pm. I received this canceled trip receipt at 2:44pm, which tells me that the cancellation fee was charged because the driver was waiting for more than 5 minutes. It’s evident in the screenshots that the application shows the driver as “arriving” and not “arrived.” The driver was at the back of the building and “arriving soon” in the screenshot, and then a minute later, the notification tells me the driver had to cancel the trip, and not that the driver was waiting for more than 5 minutes… very sketchy. Uber’s IPO date was May of 2019, and with this “quality” I can’t see how they would expect to do well. I’m convinced this is harassment. It gets even more sketchy…

Friday Morning Trip Receipt

Click here to expand image.

  • Well, right off the bat, you see how Uber sent me two receipts both at 3pm. Harassment.
  • Then, the numbers quite obviously don’t add up. How does $9.64+$2.80 = $5.25? This is not a glitch. Let me check how much I was actually charged. Alright, so the total should be $12.44, and with the $5.25 robbery, the remaining balance is $7.19, which was charged to my credit card.

Friday Morning Trip Tip Receipt

Click here to expand image.

  • So, again, the numbers don’t add up; should be a $13.44 total.
  • It appears that the $1 tip wasn’t charged to my credit card. $5.25+$7.19 = $12.44 and $9.64+$2.80+$1.00 = $13.44, so the $1 tip wasn’t charge to my card. For this reason, I think it was during the scheduling of the Thursday Uber where I saw the notification saying that I owed a dollar. I didn’t tip the Uber driver on Thursday, however, I tipped the Uber driver on Friday, and I think I tipped the Friday Uber driver $1 to let Uber know that I was aware they were harassing me; and they didn’t charge my card for that $1 tip. Hopefully that Uber driver got that dollar, and if he didn’t… shame on Uber. This was the last time I’ve used Uber.

This type of cyberstalking and cyber harassment happens frequently; sometimes more than others. However, I think what makes this type of cyberstalking and cyber harassment worse, is that it’s been going on for several years. I’m sure I have more proof to demonstrate other incidents of cyberstalking and cyber harassment by other entities.

cyberstalking – Instagram

So during the week, there has been cyberstalking through the Instagram application, which was mentioned in Vlog #4. There were two different hacks used by the cyberstalkers. One of the hacks occurs on the home feed where the cyberstalker is able to have posts with multiple photos display the second photo by default, instead of the first. When I noticed this hack this week, the cyberstalker applied this hack to all of the posts with multiple photos, making it quite obvious. Then, I think yesterday, this hack was enabled again, but only to a selected few posts with multiple photos, making the hack less obvious, I guess. The second hack is where the cyberstalker seems to be able to control the explore feed; I’m not sure what the correct terminology is for these feeds, but I call them “home” and “explore” feeds. Specifically, I was scrolling through reels, and the cyberstalker, being my roommate in the neighboring room, was whispering things, so I was sure this roommate was somehow in control of the feed. As is mentioned in Vlog #4, this, and actually most of the hacks with Instagrams, are old hacks. In Vlog #4, I said I couldn’t prove these hacks, however, later I recalled that I actually posted many screenshots of the explore feed with sketchiness some time ago, before I was falsely imprisoned (As I wrote this paragraph, I think my roommate whispered “that hurts” and seems like something was move aggressively; I don’t want problems with this person, but, he won’t leave me alone and I’m not going to not stand up for myself).

cyberstalking – MacBook

So, as I was creating this draft, I was getting responses to what was being written, assuring me the cyberstalkers can see what I’m typing. Specifically, I got reactions to what I wrote about regarding my theories on sexuality and suicide, which I probably will write more about, describing how I generated those understandings, which are probably original, but probably not unique; I haven’t heard anyone explicitly state those understandings, although I’ve gathered similar understandings from others.

Also, on the topic of cyberstalking via the MacBook, my roommate has been verbally harassing me, indirectly, while I’m in my bedroom, and while he’s in his bedroom. It started to annoy me because it was distracting. I usually say “go for a walk.” However, I decided to defend myself, not verbally, but via typing a note on the MacBook, and it was surprisingly effective; the verbal harassment was definitely much less. So with this, I’m very very sure this roommate is cyberstalking.


So I got a call from the stockbroker. It’s been about two weeks since I spoke with a representative from this stockbrokerage. As I was receiving the call, I heard my roommate leave his room and say something to harass. It seemed to be coordinated with the call that I was receiving. I was focused reading or typing, or something, and the phone screen was faced down, when I received this call. So my initial thoughts were, this roommate somehow sent me a spam call. I flipped the phone over, and I was about to decline this call because I thought it might have been a spam call, but after a second or so, I recognized the number as the stockbroker. So that’s when I was reminded that, yeah, there is collusion between the cyberstalkers and the stockbroker. So I launched the voice recording application on the MacBook, started the voice recorder, and answered the call. Sometime during the phone call, it sounded like my roommate hit my bedroom door with a bag of garbage or something. I listened to the voice recording, and I found where my roommate hit my bedroom door, and it’s almost as if he wanted this to be heard in the voice recording:

call from stockbroker, sound bite, 02-12-2021

Anyway, so regarding what the representative from the stockbrokerage told me regarding the dividend settings being changed; the reasoning wasn’t convincing and not complete. The call ended with having the tech department dig deeper to discover the cause for the change of the dividend settings. In addition to that, I was also told some false information regarding the default settings. I also asked about the conversion of the one cent from the rollover account to the roth account, and even though the explanation might be reasonable, I still have to research further to find any flaws with this explanation; this might be a reasonable explanation, but until I research, I haven’t decided whether I’m convinced this is for sure a reasonable explanation. With the false information and what the representative was saying, I think this representative was trying to tell me that the cyberstalkers wanted to change the settings, for me; which is gross.