D Talks #61

So, this will be a quick blog, and yeah, there’s a lot of suspicion, so I’m not sure how accurate my observations are. Anyway, so the other day, probably about a week ago, for some reason I searched for my ex girlfriend’s Instagram account. I’m sure she blocked me. So I searched for her stepdad, whose account has never been private. It’s been a while since I visited his account. One thing I observed is his last post was from about a year ago, which seemed strange, because I would have guessed the most recent post would be more recent. So, that got me thinking. I’m not sure sure exactly when it was, but some time, around this time last year, my roommate hi jacked my MacBook Air, and seemed to have panicked and called this ex girlfriend’s stepdad for help. So did he stop posting Instagram photos because I wrote about my MacBook Air being possibly hi jacked and his possible involvement, I’m not sure, but it seems like it.

People were whispering“Lil Tay“ to me, and some times still so, and at first I was flattered because she’s fairly popular online. Then I realized the reason people were whispering her name is because she was inactive online all of a sudden. There has definitely been an effort to make me inactive online, stop me from vlogging and blogging. At the moment people are alluding to pens as if to tell me to blog and not vlog, but with this abusive oppressive culture, they will eventually tell me to not blog too… that’s if I was complicit with abusers and stopped vlogging. Anyway, as long as I’m being cyberstalked and oppressed, I’m not going to stop vlogging or blogging, no matter what.

Then a couple of days ago, I mentioned to my sister that don’t think I’ll ever get fat, or even skinny fat, as long as I can keep track of my calories, which I do via a spreadsheet. The next day, my MacBook Air started having issues. It was taking forever to finish a task and then I had to restart the system, and upon being rebooted, there was a folder with a question mark, because I guess an operating system could not be found… I have been experiencing problems with it ever since. This could be a legitimate error and a coincidence. Just happened again:

And my roommate just whispered “that hurts” so it’s really difficult for me to believe that this is occurring naturally… but I could be wrong, he could be saying this coincidentally. Either way, continuing with my suspicions, it seems like this error, if not occurring naturally, was to keep me from keeping track of my calories. It’s whatever though because I can use my phone to edit the spreadsheet.

What else… so I also mentioned to my sister that I was considering visiting home, since it’s been a while, I’m vaccinated, and this COVID restriction stuff seems to be not in effect anymore. What’s funny is, for a while people have been implicitly telling me to visit home, and I wasn’t in a hurry to do so. Now that I’m considering visiting home, people are indirectly telling me not to go home lol. People. Again, I understand the sentiment, but does it make sense, absolutely not. For example, one of the things I think I heard the cyberstalkers tell me via the Bluetooth headset connected to my phone was “don’t go home!” (Visit Twitter for the story on this cyberstalking ability)

What else… I also mentioned to my sister my career plans, because during the past couple of weeks, I’ve been doing some research for my military career plans, because it’s about the time to do so, and they also encourage people to make and maintain a career plan. I mentioned that the military has a lot of opportunities. I planned on enlisting and then eventually applying to become an officer. After mentioning to my sister that I was going to apply, there’s been this sentiment, for whatever reason, because people don’t want me to become an officer. I can understand the sentiment, but does it make any sense, absolutely not. Why? Because Freedom. As a matter of fact, it’s the same sentiment that got this whole cyberstalking started, and that got the cyberstalkers to interfere with my livelihood. Even though I understand the sentiment, to act on those sentiments is wrong, and selfish, without any regard to an individual’s rights. Good thing about the military is, opportunities are based on merit, and since this is the federal government, I have little worry that my cyberstalkers will have a significant influence, as they might have with a smaller private employer. So yeah, I’m very grateful and wish I joined sooner.