I can almost hear my harassers saying “oh no! Don’t post that.” So one thing this cyberstalking culture fosters is menacing behavior, which is illegal behavior. This morning, this is what I saw:
So I saw this strategically placed five dollar bill in a pot hole. (I’m almost sure this person close to me just whispered “that hurt”). It’s possible this five dollar bill was not strategically placed, however, I saw this moments before I saw a brown Lincoln Navigator that was spewing out fuel lean toxic fumes; as if to encourage the idea of suicide. I’m sure this is a retaliation to my last blog post, and an effort to deter me from vlogging. My family used to own a green Lincoln Navigator. I used to drive a tan brown Jeep Grand Cherokee that would spew out fuel lean toxic fumes. So I think that brown Lincoln Navigator spewing out toxic fumes wasn’t coincidental as well. What’s more, friends of my family own a used car dealership, and people seem to be alluding to that family for some reason… and there is a chance I’m misinterpreting.
Before I saw that brown Lincoln Navigator, I went to the pool for a morning swim. I was in a lane, swimming by myself, when all of a sudden, someone passes right by me in the same lane, which is not proper pool etiquette. This person should have waited until I reached the end of the pool to let me know the lane was going to be shared. What’s worse, this person was doing a side stroke, so he was close to kicking me when he’d pass me. What’s worse, this guy was Latino. What’s worse, I think my mother was kicked when she was raped. So I think this guy was being racist, and alluding to my mother being raped, in effort to cause me some emotional distress. How is that type of behavior justifiable? There’s a reason people who exhibit this kind of behavior are indirect and won’t own up to their behavior when asked directly.
Before I got into the pool, I was being verbally harassed, and I heard some guy say “like that,” which is another allusion to my mother being raped. Since I specified that guy in the pool was Latino, I’ll specify that the verbal harassers where most likely White. And like I’ve written before, I don’t really believe in racism, I believe in emotional retardation.
After I saw that five dollar bill, I saw a Snickers wrapper, which seemed oddly placed in the middle of the side walk. Could be a coincidence, I should have taken a photo. Anyway, I think that’s an allusion to that movie True Crime. Like, how dare I make my harassers back at home look bad, when all I’m doing is being respectfully honest about the harassment that I’m experiencing, I don’t even want these people in my life at all. However, they are criminal stalkers and they have the ability to cyberstalk because of big tech. What they should realize is, they are making themselves look bad.
Last night, I saw this person on Instagram, which is controlled by the way, and this person captions a photo by asking if someone would join them on their walk. Walking is an allusions to the rapists making my mother walk home after she was raped. So I guess, essentially, these people are figuratively gang raping me. Which is probably in retaliation to the last blog where I wrote about the figurative memorial.
The cyberstalkers close to me, coworkers and supervisors, were aware I took the photo of the five dollar bill, and that I started drafting a blog post, as I was waiting for the morning meeting. Then the morning meeting starts, and I was going to voice record, but didn’t. One of the announcements was regarding mandatory attendance to trainings following the morning meeting. They told us these trainings were mandatory last minute. Another announcement was regarding being separated from the military, as if to suggest that I shouldn’t progress with my military career because I’m going to be separated, which makes absolutely no sense.
So between the morning meeting and mandatory training, there was about a half an hour wait. While waiting, I was given a copy of my evaluation, which was strange because a couple of days before, this person was told to make an evaluation for me, but it was the same evaluation I had just signed moments before. Since this person was confused on what he was supposed to do, and the supervisor wasn’t around, I left. Then this supervisor sends me a text message, and his intent to harass me is obvious. By the way, I’m sure it’s this supervisor who arranged the simulated memorial, and I’m going based off what I’m interpreting, there’s still a chance this memorial was legit, most likely not though because there hasn’t been an update regarding the second memorial since it was mentioned.
Here’t the text message:
Here’s a photo of the funeral flowers that were set outside the office after the memorial at the chapel and I would be surprised if these were ordered from 1-800-Flowers:
Last week I discovered there (we’re on break, in between trainings, and that supervisor and another person just walked in the room, spoke with some people, then walked off saying “don’t tell”) is a gym in the building. So while I wait for the mandatory trainings to start, I walk to the gym and people are whispering things as I’m making my way to the gym (it’s so quiet now here in the training room; it seems like they don’t want me to write this… or do they?…) but I pay no mind. When I get to the gym, there’s a sign in sheet. Above the sign in sheet, there’s a randomly placed belt next to a bottle of Clorox. Now, I was going to wait to actually mentioned this in a blog or vlog, but I guess there’s no need to wait. So what is this an allusion (some guy just whispered “depressed,” here in the training room) to? This is an allusion to my father somehow disciplining my mother by having her raped. I guess this is a reaction to my last blog where I mentioned my grandfather wanted my father to go to prison. (It is so quiet right now). By the way, it’s my understanding this is the reason my father was given the ability to cyberstalk me… to “rape me” or to cause me harm, the same way my mother was harmed. Big Tech.
This is the nature of the harassment I deal with. Of course, the harassment is elevated at the moment, because of my last blog where I talk about the bullying and harassment I experience, like I’m supposed to keep silent about the cyberstalking and harassment; abusers; rape culture. People were saying “hurt” earlier. They are using threats and racism to harass. (I think those supervisors are outside the room saying “you broke” and “cry”)
Before the trainings started, people made an effort to verbally harass me. So I start voice recording, and I’ll upload those voice recordings once I review them.
(Someone just said to someone else, something about taking a belt off the wall and beating them with it, as I’m writing this)
The trainings were on personal communication, conflict management, and stress management. The presenters were awesome. Very valuable information.
I actually started to voice record after the morning meeting, before the trainings started, when the copy of the evaluation was given to me. Here is that recording… actually, never mind… I’m tired.
Something interesting though is, since the cyberstalkers are observing me every single second of the day, they saw a song I listened to, and they have been reacting to it:
So, I haven’t even published this draft yet, and I’m already receiving reactions.
Something interesting, I received an email from an Amazon recruiter, and there seems to be some stalking and harassment involved. This isn’t the first time I’ve received emails from Amazon recruiters where stalking and harassment were involved. I never took their emails seriously and labeled the emails as harassment. This recent email was labeled as harassment as well:
As you can see, there is a missing “I” at the start of the second sentence. You’d think that these type of typos wouldn’t occur, since there are not too many words and since this person probably spent the time to proof read and edit. What’s more, a coworker alluded to this typo in this email this morning.
The cyberstalkers having the ability to cyberstalk is bad enough. Amazon, and other entities, continue to contribute to the bad behavior. How is this behavior justifiable? This email is something I can deal with, because it’s just harassment that isn’t invasive. However, the cyberstalking, the ability to observe my activity on and control my phone and computer, and now the ability to observe me in my living space, is extremely invasive and illegal.
Anyway, so I didn’t take very many notes to continue with this blog, but just going off what I can recall at the moment: I was told I had an evaluation to sign, even though I already signed an evaluation. I was told this evaluation was the real evaluation. I actually voice recorded part of this interaction, and the people I interact with were aware that I was voice recording. I start the voice recorder right in front of them sometimes. I said I hope this new real evaluation was sincere, because it didn’t seem to be. Then they said it wasn’t ready yet, so then I said I was going for a swim. Then I was told to enjoy my swim 🙂
So I go to the pool, some verbal harassment as I’m getting ready, which seems like a reaction to the draft of this blog. I start swimming, and eventually, some guy lets me know he’s going to enter the lane, which is a reaction to my comment regarding proper pool etiquette in this blog . Through out the swim, this guy was whispering stuff under his breath, being indirect, and being passive aggressive by, what seemed like, intentionally splashing water at me unintentionally. This guy was White, and like I said, I don’t care about race, but just something to note because I wrote that the person yesterday was Latino, so this also seemed like a response to the draft of this blog. I could have let this get to me, and be passive aggressive, and splash water back, intentionally but unintentionally, or something, or just get upset, but I’m not like that, or, if I was, I’ve grown past that. That’s probably the reaction he wants, and why give him what he wants? The way I think now is, a splash of water, is a splash of water, it’s a pool, splashes are going to happen, I’m not going to take that personally. I stayed polite and respectful. I didn’t get upset. My reasoning was, sure, I care about people in general, but I don’t care about this person. I couldn’t care less about this person. I’m being mature, and this person is being immature. What kind of man acts like that? He was probably older than me. The way I see it, I was acting like a man, and this guy was acting like a child, or like a little girl. Which makes me laugh? See, I actually just laughed right now, and I actually started laughing, to myself about this person, not at this person, because I thought this guy wasn’t being a man, he was acting like a little girl. I think it actually bothered this guy that I wasn’t bothered.
That’s all for now, let’s see what happens tomorrow.
I didn’t take notes…