So the other day I was searching craigslist for a new bike, and I definitely felt like there was some cyberstalking going on, which has happened before when I’ve searched craigslist. So I was searching and clicking on different ads, and there were people outside my windows saying things that convinced me they were aware that I was searching for a bike, so much so that I’m very sure they were seeing what I was seeing. So there’s that part of the cyberstalking. Then the ads themselves, it seemed like some of the ads were either fake or the people who posted the ad knew who I was or were actively communicating with cyberstalkers. Of all the ads, and all the ads that I replied to, there was only one that I was interested in, but was too far. Anyway, I wish there was a bike that I liked closer to me so that I could continue to investigate this situation. I’m still undecided whether I’m going to purchase a bike or not.
So yesterday I received a call from my father, and I immediately sent a text message to my sister asking why my father was calling. Even before I left home to join the Navy, I wasn’t really speaking with my parents, and I was mostly speaking with them through my sister. So my sister replies telling me that my parents want to check in with me and that I should communicate. I reply back saying that I’m not too happy with them cyberstalking, stalking, and harassing me. They have been in communication with the people around me since I’ve left home. They’ve been encouraging people to harass me and allow these people to cyber stalk my electronics. Then my sister replies back telling me that I’m paranoid, schizophrenic, and illogical. Anyway, I didn’t even listen to the voice message my father left because I really don’t want to hear his voice. I read the transcript to the voice message which basically says to call him back, but I’m not going to. He knows how I’m doing because he’s actively talking with people around me, so what really motivated him to call me, I’m not sure. What’s ironic about what’s going on is people don’t really know me or my family and will just repeat whatever they are told to say, like telling me I should call home. What they don’t know is one of my other sisters rarely speaks with my father and has kept her distance from him for years.
So some good news is today I was told that even though I wasn’t ranked up when I was supposed to, when all the paperwork goes through that I will get backpay; hopefully the delay also doesn’t affect my time in rank, and I don’t think it will. Either way, I’m super grateful for joining the military and serving. This is the most time I’ve been employed by a single employer, and as long as I don’t do anything stupid, I can’t get fired. Could you imagine how things would be for me if I was still dealing with employers who could fire me for no good false reasons?
[This post was scheduled for October 26th but “missed schedule”]