D Talks #73



So today I figured I’d spend some time maintaining this newly purchased vehicle I’ve already mentioned. I started by reading the owner’s manual. The owner’s manual was in a pouch along with other pamphlets. The pouch had a couple of pockets on the outside to store cards. There was an existing card in one of the pockets. So I examined the card and it has the factory code for the keyless entry system to the vehicle. I made a quick conclusion that this is how people were getting into my vehicle. I noticed the vehicle had a keypad when I test drove it, and I figured that it might give me problems, and it seems as though it has. So I read the section of the owner’s manual about this keyless entry system. I read about it’s functions and how to operate it. I also read that it’s possible to open the lift gate window via this keyless entry system. Upon reading this, I immediately recalled one of the guys at the auto dealer saying something about opening the lift gate window; he mentioned it, but never fully communicated his thought. I see now that he was probably hinting to me that they gave my cyberstalkers the factory code to the keyless entry system.

As of now, I can only think of two incidents when someone my have entered my vehicle with this code. One of which should definitely be on surveillance footage. My vehicle was tampered with at the same building where my bicycle was tampered with. As I mentioned, security said they’d reach out to me. Let see if they do. If I can’t review the surveillance footage, then I’ll have to file another harassment complaint, yet again, especially because now there’s corruption, where building security is permitting crime. I might also have to file a police report.

As far as disabling the keyless entry system, now that my cyberstalkers have the factory code because they conspired with the auto dealer, it doesn’t seem like that’s possible via the system itself. I read online that I could open the door panel and unplug the keypad. So once I have access to tools, I’ll have to try to unplug the keypad.

With regards to this cyberstalking culture, this is insane! I’m being stalked and harassed, with ease because of the cyberstalking capabilities. I’m being stalked and harassed by people I don’t know. This is oppressive and extremely frustrating. Some of these cyberstalkers want to claim they are kids, which is malarkey, because I was around their age, or younger, when this cyberstalking started. Some of these cyberstalkers are definitely not young adults, some are adults just saying it’s for the young adults, and even for the young adults, being a young adult isn’t an excuse to commit crimes.

Big tech cyberstalking enablers suck.



So today, upon entering my vehicle the first time, I see something on the front passenger seat. I checked to see what it was exactly, and it looked like a dried piece of snot; could just be me, I can’t be to sure of this, there were no surveillance cameras around, so it’s whatever. I return to my vehicle a second time, and again, this could just be me, but it seemed like the driver seat was moved forward. Yesterday I sat comfortably in the driver seat reading the owner’s manual, and I don’t recall moving the seat forward enough for there to be a tight clearance between my knees and the steering wheel. If someone moved the seat, it should be on caught on surveillance footage. Since I figured the building security are in cahoots with my harassers and conspiring against me, I figured I’d call again today. I called and was able to speak with the security manager. I was told on Thursday that someone would call me back, which didn’t sound sincere, and seemed like an effort to deter me from wanting to review the surveillance footage. So when speaking with the security manager today, she tells me that “they don’t have any” or something… I recorded the conversation, so I’ll censor it and upload the voice recording so you can hear the insincerity and implausibleness. Like I wrote yesterday, I wouldn’t be surprised if the security didn’t reach out to me and if I wouldn’t be able to review the surveillance footage. So I guess my next step is to write yet another harassment complaint, which will be my fourth one, which are all really caused by the cyberstalking. Like I mentioned in the phone call, I don’t feel like I live in America anymore. There’s this guy online, he has a podcast, his name is Michael Malice. He talked about how in a certain country, there were some orphans and that people didn’t want to associate themselves with the orphans because their parents had been affiliated with some kind of political group or something. So these orphans were outcasted. For some reason, I think Michael Malice was talking about me. I’ve been outcasted because of this cyberstalking which is enabled by big tech. Nobody wants to associate themselves with me because they just might get trapped into this cyberstaking concentration camp with me. At the same time, if people are complicit with the cyberstalking and partake, they just might benefit, by what seems to be an appeasement to the “big tech gods.” It might “help the algorithm” to boost their online presence. Whatever it is that motivates those who are complicit, it does seem as though those who do not compromise their values and sell their souls to this cyberstalking do benefit most. Probably because, at the end of the day, American principles are based on morality. You can only get so far with evil and immoral behavior.

Tampering, continued. 1-22-22

Call with building security on 1-18-22
  • So when the security manager answers the phone, she says something random before speaking with me. It sounds like she says, “give me Sancho.” Why do I think she she says this? Because Sancho is the name of my sister’s dog, the son dog, who my father claimed killed the father dog. Since I wrote about this in D Talks #72, this is the reason the cyberstalkers, which looks to be primarily my family at this point, are telling the security manager to say this. But why would she say “give me Sancho.” I think she’s essentially flirting with me, to deter me from filing a complaint or asking for more information. This buzz word demonstrates the deceitful way my family turns people against me. My family, and I think it was my younger sister who might have started this idea of referring to me as a “sancho.” I’m not going to look the word up. To my understanding, a sancho is a man’s wife’s secret lover. Til this day people refer to me as a sancho, and I actually can’t recall when the buzz word was started, but it was probably when I left my parents house. I have no desire to be a man’s wife’s secret lover. This is supposed to be some kind of compliment, but I don’t see it as a compliment. In fact, it’s not a compliment; it’s a deceitful way to turn people against me, in the guise of a compliment. This deceitful intent to turn people against me is surprisingly effective. “Sancho” is a buzz word that the harassers use as a compliment, to cheer me up I guess, but I’m disgusted when they do. I think being a sancho goes against bro code. That’s not my character. In fact, I actually told one of my college friends that his girlfriend was flirting with me. In hindsight, I think he knew. I think this was motivated by that movie True Crime. Either way, because of this idea and buzz word, people will then call me a “slut” or a “hoe.” This makes absolutely no sense. I can’t remember the last time I had sex. The last time I was in a real relationship was in 2012. The last time I was in a relationship was in 2015, and it was set up by the cyberstalkers. These cyberstalkers exercise so much control, that they’ve essentially virtually cut off my clitoris so that I don’t experience pleasure, which is actually practiced in some third world countries… … I can’t even masturbate without this person who spies on me then telling the whole Internet about it. This cyberstalking condones others to treat me like I’m an animal. This is inhumane treatment. Where’s the ACLU? I should probably contact them.
  • You can hear stuff being whispered by people in the background.
  • The security manager asks me if I’m parking my vehicle in the motorcycle parking space. Strange and random. Why would I park my vehicle in the motorcycle area? Why would she ask this? It’s basically because the cyberstalkers want her to say “motorcycle,” which is another buzz word. These cyberstalkers are shameless. They will shamelessly use people to excuse and justify their behavior, or try to promote a characteristic they wish for me to have. This buzz word, “motorcycle” … man, how dare these people… alludes to a soccer teammate of mine who died in a motorcycle accident. Actually, in Phase 12, when I started working for that employer, is when they started this buzz word/allusion/fallacy. This soccer teammate was really good at soccer, better than me; I was the worst player on the team. I met him when I was really young, probably when I was on my first soccer team, and met up with him again on my last club soccer team. I actually didn’t make the team the last time I was on a youth club soccer team. The cyberstalkers want to spread this fallacy, that somehow this soccer teammate’s death is my fault. If you can’t already tell, I’m the scapegoat for almost everything, and it’s because of my color, and as of recent, I’m still discriminated against because of my color. Not by everyone, but those who want to leverage that fallacy to their advantage will. Some people see that this is idiotic. Especially some Latinos. This teammate of mine, his father is a dark complexion Latino, and his mother is a light complexion Latino; so it makes no sense. The harassers don’t know this, they just know what they are told. It’s just another fallacy that is used to turn people against me.
  • She asks me for my last name and my role at the facility, but she doesn’t ask for my first name. I think she asked for my last name, because lately, people have been alluding to my last name, as if to say that I’m somehow betraying my family. My family is not good to me, and my intentions are not to cause them harm. I hope that eventually, my family can get along, and we can sue these big tech cyberstalker enablers. However, as I’ll explain in a future vlog, I realized that if I took away the fact that my family is my family, they are just people who abuse me. That’s why I say I don’t have a family. I’m not part of the team. I know what it’s like to be a part of a team. This cyberstalking started to keep me down. I know that my relationship with my family would have been much better if the cyberstalking never happened. Essentially, the cyberstalking was created by people who feel superior, who have a superiority complex, to keep people down. This cyberstalking helps nobody. This is why I say lowlives come from all walks of life. I’ve met some people from poor families who are way better people than some people from privileged families, and vice versa. It’s the reason I also say that the superiority complex and the inferiority complex are opposites of the same coin. What you are seeing here with this cyberstalking culture is those with a superiority complex and those with an inferiority complex work together to deal with their personal issues. Essentially, the big tech cyberstalking enablers are causing trouble between me and my family, and now the cyberstalking culture at large, while they turn a blind eye to the harm they are causing. In the phone call, I say the harassment is a result of the abuse of my family, which is true, but what’s more accurate is that the harassment is a result of big tech enabling people with cyberstalking abilities. I’ve mentioned this before. I try to avoid mentioning the cyberstalking by big tech in conversations, but now I think I won’t moving forward.
  • I’m not sure if I heard this correctly, but at the very end of the phone call, it sounds like someone whispers “sea moss.” Why would this person say this? Well “sea moss” is another buzz word. It originated from a vlogger who teaches and promotes calisthenics and nutrition. I guess sea moss is an allusion to the movie Little Mermaid and the song the mermaid sings about wanting to being a part of the human world. This fallacy makes me sick, and I can’t believe people, especially Americans, people of the free world, subscribe to this thinking… disorder. Maybe they just don’t know any better. Anyway, so the fallacy is that somehow there’s this caste societal structure in America, and if you’re part of a certain caste, you cannot enter the other caste. I’m not sure how I gained this understanding of the free world and what America is all about, and it wasn’t until after the cyberstalking started that I understood this fallacy of a caste society that was being promulgated with allusions to the movie Little Mermaid, mermaids, sea moss, and even Starbucks. I was always empowered by my rights and American principles. I feel sorry for my ex girlfriend, and I think it’s pitiful that the big tech cyberstalker enablers use her as an excuse for creating cyberstalking tools. Anyway, this isn’t to rag on my ex girlfriend, and I’m actually getting tired of ragging on my family, because if it wasn’t for the cyberstalking enablers, this cyberstalking culture would have never started. So Starbucks is used to allude to caste societies, which again, is not what America is about. America is about the land of opportunity. Starting from noting. Rags to riches. For example, like Elon Musk. Anyway, I’m not sure if the Starbucks allusion started with my ex girlfriend or not, but one of the last times I saw her, she asked me if I wanted to go to a restaurant. When saying bye, she purposefully did so in front of a Starbucks. I think she told me that there was no way she could be in a relationship with me, and then she said, because of what my father did to my mother. I was surprised and confused. I was taken aback, and before I could even ask her what she meant by that, she told me she had to go, leaving me there in front of the Starbucks. That was in 2012, and it was until 2016, during Phase 12, that I understood what she meant. I sent her an email, thanking her for the hint, not fully understanding her message. Yes, it was that hint that made me realized what actually happened to my mother. However, it probably wasn’t until, lets say 2018, that I realized she was saying much more. Essentially, she was telling me that they gave my father the ability to cyberstalk me, so that my father could harm me, similar to the way my mother was harmed. She was also telling me that, even though my efforts to be successful are working, that there was no way I was going to be able to succeed, because of what happened to my mother; hence the leaving me in front of Starbucks to allude to a caste society. I’m even more sure of this message by her, because she demonstrated to me her misunderstanding of America as a caste society. One day she talked about this girl who was White. She said that this girl said something about her being White. In response to that, she said her friend, a Latino guy, said, “yeah, you’re White, but you’re White trash.” She laughed and said this jokingly. I might have smirked, but I didn’t find it funny. I was actually kind of offended. I remember thinking, “sure that might be funny, but you can’t actually believe that… do you?” In hindsight, I think she was calling me White trash, and even though I graduated college, I was still trash. I had no idea that she was calling me White trash because I always saw myself as Mexican. I grew up around Mexicans, and all of my closest friends have been Latinos. Case in point, I had to request Letters of Recommendation recently, and simply by coincidence, every person I asked had Latino names. Also, and I’m serious, I’ve never seen people as trash. I didn’t even know people put other people down by calling them “trash” until after the cyberstalking started; I thought it was just a joke. This idea of America as a caste society was frightening to me, as it should be to all Americans, and didn’t occur to me until after the cyberstalking started. This cyberstalking is so bad.



So my sister sends me a couple of text messages yesterday. It seemed kind of random because this sister doesn’t really reach out to me to start up a random conversation. I’m guessing it might have to do with my recent blogs. Anyway. So one of the recent ways the cyberstalkers harass me is, and I know this might sound crazy, but the person who watches me will time my iPhone to receive a notification as I’m reaching for my phone after waking up. This happened just today, this morning. I woke up, reached for my phone and received a text message from this sister in question. I thought, what a strange coincidence!? I quickly replied to her message. She didn’t reply immediately, and it’s been at least a couple of hours, and she still hasn’t replied. What I’m guessing is the cyberstalkers can control when I receive my text messages. I know they can control and delay messages I send. I’m literally imprisoned by big tech. This is insane! In what world is this ok? This is the worst thing since slavery and the closest robots have gotten to taking over the world. So I check my phone a couple of minutes after replying to my sisters message, just because I hadn’t received a reply yet. I look at the time stamp of the most recent message I received, and its not the time that I saw initially; the time was at least 20 minutes earlier. So I send another message to my sister and explain to her that my cyberstalkers must be controlling the messages I receive. For big tech to allow this capability is crazy! This is big tech providing human trafficking tools to these cyberstalkers.

I also mention to my sister that this person who spies on me would do something similar many months ago where they would time me getting out of bed and turn on the air conditioner. So what happens next? I eventually return to my room and I notice the air conditioner is on, which is strange because I haven’t had the air conditioning on for at least a week or so because there was a burning smell. I look at the thermostat and it was off, while the air conditioner was on. This controlling, or hijacking, of the air conditioner, and of the thermostat, isn’t new; I’ve mentioned it before. What makes this incident interesting is, this is all happening after I mention to my sister about this cyberstalker timing the text messages I receive on my iPhone. I tried to video record the air conditioner to show that it was on while the thermostat was off, but it was too late because the air conditioner was already turning off. When it was summer, I did have some doubts about the stalker controlling this air conditioner. However, it’s cold, and that air conditioner should definitely not be turning on automatically to cool down the building. So, I no longer have doubts. That air conditioner and thermostat are definitely controlled by this person who spies on me.

So what else happens? Sometime later I walk out to the common space, and the lights that should be turning on automatically by the motion sensor are not turning on. There was at least a couple of seconds of delay before the lights turned on. I was already convinced this stalker can control the lights; this controlling of lights started a couple of living spaces ago (as I’m editing this, this person who spies on me turned the light off in the common area and said “kiesh”). All of this sudden “controlling” to harass me (she just whispered “you’re off”) is probably because, the water pressure was repaired; it’s a huge difference.


I wrote the last part of the 1-19-22 portion of this blog yesterday, last night. For some reason the water pressure is lower than it was yesterday. It’s not bad, but not as high as it was. It seems like this person who spies on me is retaliating to the last part of the 1-19-22 portion of this blog, and probably other stuff actually, since I got unfortunate news yesterday, by lowering the water pressure.

Yesterday I also focused on editing the phone call with building security that I mentioned earlier in this blog. It was super time consuming, but given that I’m in this cyberstalking high tech concentration camp, I guess it’s worth the effort…


I want to continue to write about the text message conversation I had with my sister, because it demonstrates the gaslighting, cyberstalking, and other stuff. I also have very recent text message conversations with my other two sisters that also demonstrate cyberstalking and other stuff. So I figured I’d call this section of the blog ‘Sisters’ and write about my sisters.

I probably already mentioned that I grew up with three sisters; one older, two younger. The text message conversation I mentioned earlier was with my older sister. To my text messages regarding the controlling of the air conditioner and the cyberstalking activity, and probably other stuff, she replies with “do you feel safe?” This is a strange question to ask, if you ignore the gaslighting and cyberstalking; the stuff that isn’t being said directly, unless it’s by me, or is said implicitly. Usually, when it is said directly by me, the conversation ends, or what I say is ignored or dodged. So why would my sister ask if I feel safe if I’m mentioning cyberstalking and the controlling of devices, when she’s most likely contributing to this collective effort to harass me? You know what, it just occurred to me that this sister was probably trying to intimidate me. In the vlog, I mentioned how my father killed my sister’s ex-boyfriend’s dog. I mentioned how this year will be ten years since the cyberstalking started, and it seems like she also implicitly mentioned that. So my overall sense of my sister’s messages to me is different now that I’m writing about it. I think she’s upset about my recent vlogs and blogs about my father, and I think she’s either venting by trying to intimidate me, or simply trying to intimidate me to silence me, essentially. This is characteristics of my sisters. They will defend my father whether he’s right or wrong. My father relies on my sisters defending him. People are way more empathetic towards females, distorting the reality of abuse of me, making it somehow acceptable. … … Actually, I’m not sure if this sister’s trying to intimidate me. I started writing before I reviewed our conversation, and I was simply going to address her question about feeling safe. … … Anyway, so there are a couple of things I can gather, some of which I’m sure of. I’m sure this sister is starting up a conversation with me as a result of the content in my recent blogs and vlogs; I think she trying to tell me she disapproves of what I’m blogging and vlogging about. I’m sure that this sister is contributing to the collusive cyberstalking effort and culture. I’m not sure if this sister is seriously trying to intimidate me, or just jokingly trying to intimidate me; either way, jokingly harassing someone is still harassment… Or she could be simply disapproving. It also appears that this sister is hinting to me of the unfortunate news I mentioned at the start of today’s blog, that of which I was going to receive the next day. This is characteristic of the cyberstalkers. Just like when they collude with the DFEH. The people around me have such a corrupt network of control of me that they know of news before I receive it, and hint to me of this news before I receive it. I could continue to speculate about our conversation, but that’s enough for now…

So, again, to my text messages regarding the cyberstalking and controlling of devices, all my sister asks is “do you feel safe?” She doesn’t sound like someone who is concerned that this activity is criminal and that I’m victim to it. She sounds like someone who’s contributing to the activity, with an effort to cause me stress. She could be sincere, but I doubt it. I would explain my response, but it’s just easier to take screenshots and add them to this blog.

What’s interesting is, as I was editing these screenshots, the cyberstalkers activated that “Do Not Disturb While Driving” function, and I wasn’t accelerating at all; I was resting on my bed.

Alright, so, my other sister and I have been playing chess via text message. This sister is the youngest of these three sister. She’s the sister who had the boyfriend named “Michael.” Anyway, so even though I knew that agreeing to playing chess with my sister would open the door for her to channel harassment towards me more regularly, I decided to move forward with it. I couldn’t find a good enough reason to say “no.” I’ve also been getting better at chess, and I actually respect the fact that she’s actually at, or around, my level with chess. So even though it is not unusual for me to go for months without speaking with my sisters… actually, I haven’t talked with them, only corresponded via text message… I’ve been corresponding with this sister recently, because of this chess game via text message. Anyway, so it was… yesterday, this sister sent me a text message with a typo. I know I make typos, but this typo seemed intentional, because it was on the day I was replying to the unfortunate news; I received the unfortunate news on Wednesday. The typo involves the word “yesterday.” Why would this sister want to channel harassment to me with this word? Well, as I’ve written before, and recently wrote this to someone I know, when I was asked when I wanted to ship to boot camp, I said “yesterday.” She’s essentially rubbing in the fact that I wanted to ship to boot camp as soon as possible. Per my blogs and vlogs, and other Internet communications, my experience in the military has been bittersweet. With this recent unfortunate news, this sister is rubbing in the bitterness, getting joy out of causing me misery, which is made possible by this cyberstalking. I’ll explain later, because it’s a long story, but essentially, the unfortunate news is that even though I’m ready to move forward with my military career, and have actually been ready for quite some time, I can’t, and it’s not because I’m not making the effort. If anything, with less effort, I’m still ready to move forward with my military career. The reason is due to the sham situation that I’m in. Sure, unfortunate news is unfortunate, however, this just demonstrates the damages this sham situation has caused me. This demonstrates the efforts to rob me of my right to fulfill my personal pursuits that I was experiencing before I joined the military, and now, while I’m in the military. Do I regret joining the military? Not at all. I love the military. The federal government has been my best employer and it’s because of the instructions that prescribe policies and procedures to follow. I’ve been employed for more than two years, which is the longest duration of employment I’ve had with a single employer.

Alright, so, my other sister, the second to youngest of these three sisters, usually sends me more messages than my other two sisters. I started up a conversation with her yesterday because I need her to send me something. Without going into detail, she asks me if I’m “coming back” and if I’m “still in the military.” These questions seem odd, if I don’t consider the cyberstalking and gaslighting. So why would she ask these questions? It’s mostly because she knows of the unfortunate news, and since there’s been this collective effort to make me just leave the military and go home for good, it seems like she’s hoping this unfortunate news is the bunch of straw that broke the camel’s back. I replied by explaining that I would ask her why she’s asking, but I already know why she’s asking. I then go on talk about the unfortunate news, and although the news is unfortunate, it provides me with even more evidence of the discrimination I experience. She didn’t reply immediately. While I was drafting this blog, she sends me a message saying that she would “take care of it this weekend,” talking about the things I asked her to send me. She sends me this message after I wrote about how my other sister seemed to be threatening me. So it seems as though this sister sent me this message to threaten me in response to what I wrote earlier. This demonstrates the cyberstalking. I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am. I was eating when she sent this message. So when I checked my phone, I had a text message from her, and a missed call from Aztec, NM. Again, this call could be a coincident, but I don’t think it is; I think it’s harassment. So why would these cyberstalkers want to send me a call from Aztec, NM.? My best guess is because, a couple of years ago, I’d say early 2019, the cyberstalking culture started to promote some kind of reasoning to justify their actions. The Aztecs used to practice human sacrifice. “Human sacrifice” was actually a buzz word for some time. The reasoning is, since I guess Aztec are ancestors to Latinos, that the practice of human sacrifice is in their blood. As if to say, it’s in the nature of my Latino family, friends, and others, to sacrifice me, I guess, because it’s in their blood. I think it’s quite obvious that this is terrible reasoning and a fallacy. Human sacrifice is an ancient practice. Humans used to act like animals. Then humans started to use critical thinking to create peaceful and moral civilizations. Murder is bad. Causing others harm is bad. Peace is good. Being moral is good… Fire is hot, and ice is cold.