So, I’ve taken a break from publishing anything. However, I’ve continued to write, almost daily. If not writing about daily cyberstalking activity, I’ve been writing about the phases of the cyberstalking. The last couple of days, I was focused on writing out the phases of the cyberstalking, starting with Phase 12 Part 17. I have an outline of the phases, up until around mid 2017. Days before a vlog about the phases of the cyberstalking, I write out an informal script. These recent writings of the phases of the cyberstalking are different, and not like a script, but more like a book. One benefit of this format is I can get through the phases of the cyberstalking much faster. Another benefit is I can be more thorough. A last benefit is I can revise and add more information, when I just so happen to recall new information. The vlog format for presenting the phases of the cyberstalking was much slower, but still allowed me the time to recall information and think things through. It also allowed the cyberstalking culture to implicitly remind me of incidents, some of which I were oblivious to me.
Despite simply writing out draft blogs and writing out the phases of the cyberstalking without publishing, the cyberstalking culture is still reacting to my writings, as if they were published. My draft writings are being shared with the same entities that the cyberstalking culture has been in communication with, somehow, and it’s quite obvious to me and to everyone else, making the cyberstalking abilities and the cyberstalking activity obvious. So, I’ve been essentially “ghostwriting,” but not because I’m writing for someone else, but because despite the absence of my presence on the Internet, the cyberstalking culture is still sharing and reacting to my writing activity during my absence, so I’ve been acting as a “ghost” who writes, hence “ghost writing.”
The cyberstalking culture usually tries to deter me from vlogging and blogging. However, now that the cyberstalking culture can’t help itself from cyberstalking and reacting to my drafts, it’s almost as if the cyberstalking culture wants me to publish something to make the cyberstalking activity less obvious. I also believe there’s this idea that I haven’t vlogged to save face, which is an idea I debated with when deciding whether to vlog or not.
With that said, I don’t see the same benefits from vlogging or blogging. My purpose for vlogging was to put a face and voice to the writings to convey that I was a humble person with good intentions. The vlogs focused on the phases of the cyberstalking, which actually started in written form to begin with. Which reminds me, when starting to publish blogs on a regular basis, I was implicitly told to not publish blogs, but to write a book instead. With the cyberstalking activity, I didn’t see the reason for writing a book because the cyberstalkers would publish and distribute my writings either way. My purpose for blogging is to share this cyberstalking activity and the oppression I’m subjected to.
With that said, I will continue to write, almost daily, regarding the cyberstalking activity and the phases of the cyberstalking. However, the writings that will be actually published as blogs will be limited, since the cyberstalking culture is reacting to and distributing the drafts very similarly to published blogs. I don’t see a need for the vlogs, since I’ll continue with the phases of the cyberstalking in written form.