So I was only going to tweet “Ever watched the movie City of God?” but I think this is worth a blog post. So before sending this tweet I wanted to rewatch the movie because it’s been a while. Before rewatching the movie I know that basically the movie is about a group of kids with guns who take over a slum. This reminds me of how Apple has given the ability to cyberstalk my electronics to my stalker harassers, which includes my father and family, and whatever group of people I’m around. They monitor my computer and internet activity, at this point they are legitimate stalkers, obsessed. As I’ve mentioned before, they’ll reach out to any entity I interact with to interfere in someway; for example, with my student loan servicer, BlueHost, etc. Anyway, I’m glad I rewatched this movie, and you should watch this movie to see what I’m talking about. It was enjoyable, but what was even more entertaining is how the movie symbolically represents what’s going on with my life at the moment. These people should not have the ability to cyberstalk, not only because it’s illegal, but it’s causing unnecessary chaos.
Now I should be able to plan to watch a movie over the weekend, privately without cyberstalking stalker harassers reactions… but no… what happens after I watch this movie? I planed on doing pushups and after the 50th pushup the fire alarm goes off because someone burnt popcorn; and this is the second time the fire alarm goes off because of burnt popcorn. Now there’s a lot of buildings around, but my building out of all of the buildings seems to be the only building to have multiple fire alarms go off since I’ve been here with no actual fire. According to my calendar this is the fourth time the fire alarm goes off since I’ve been here. This kinda upsets me not because false alarms are annoying, but because I was taught that false fire alarms could be costly because let’s say there’s an actual fire going on but with a smaller group of people, the firefighters would have to attend to the fire with the largest group of people.
So why burnt popcorn and a fire alarm? There really isn’t any logic behind it, it’s an emotional reaction. I think the fire alarm is symbolic to demonize me as having a bad temper, which is a total exaggeration and complete misrepresentation of the truth. As I mentioned before, it’s okay for me to be upset when being harassed. This is also quite hypocritical since I’ve actually had people tell me to “snap” so there is a malicious motive behind this harassment. Recently, I went on a diet so I was getting food from the cafeteria to go line. My diet goals have changed so I returned to hot food lines and was met with harsh verbal attacks. I’ve decided instead of practicing verbal defense, to practice maintaining a zen like state. I’m not really sure what the popcorn symbolizes, I haven’t figured that one out yet. So just to reiterate, these people should not have the ability to cyberstalk, stalking is illegal, and watch the movie if you have time.