Racism and Discrimination

So I mentioned before that I’ve been kinda experiencing discrimination lately, and I said I’d write about it in a blog post, so here it is.

So first of all, I don’t believe in racism; I believe in ignorance and emotional retardation because emotions are very complicated and it either takes self teaching or being taught to understand your emotions and that emotions are temporary. As far as racism goes, there’s only evil, if you’re being racist and discriminatory, then you are being evil.

The reason I say “kinda” experiencing discrimination is because it’s mostly just ignorance and emotions; these people have no reason to hate me, I’m actually a nice person. What I think is the people who channel hate towards me actually just haven’t learned to love themselves; and you should definitely love yourself more than you love anyone else.

The discrimination that I’ve been experiencing lately is mostly caused and provoked by my father. See, he’s a dark complexion Latino and I’m a light complexion Latino, because my mom was light complexion and I actually do look like my dad, so I think it’s interesting. So after my dad and mom split, he kinda grew a hate for my mom’s light complexion. When I was young things were ok. As I got older, he didn’t want his light complexion son to succeed. Now is he really racist… not really. He just doesn’t know how to deal with his insecurities and envy in a civil manner; I have cousins who look lighter than me but he doesn’t really care about them because they really don’t affect him. Now because my father doesn’t want me to succeed, he provokes the insecurities and envy of others and they adopt this hate towards me to cope with their insecurities. So the discrimination I’ve been dealing with lately is mostly from people who have common insecurities with my father; feel inferior because of a darker complexion as if that’s some kind of disadvantage and having a bad relationship with a light complexion woman, among other insecurities. Now as far as inferiority because of dark complexion skin… my response to that is, what kind of slave mentality do you have. This is America.

My father also shamelessly promotes this reasoning that I have to not pursue my own happiness because it will affect his relationship with my stepmother, or his happiness in general. So now these young men adopted that faulty reasoning where they shamelessly suggest for me to not pursue my own happiness, whether it’s working out or studying, because that’ll somehow affect their chances with women. If my father wasn’t promoting this kind of thinking making it acceptable, it would be considered embarrassing. What’s more, it’s a free country. It’s like he sold these guys a get rich quick scheme. Woman don’t care about looks. If you really want to get laid, you can save some money, and vacation where prostitution is legal. It actually kinda annoys me how these guys will whine about how they are insecure about their looks because that somehow affects their chances with women. The reason this seriously annoys me is because men are the one’s who judge women based on their looks, way more then men. I’ve listened to Tom Leykis for years and I’m surprised how men actually subscribe to this way of thinking.

This is why we need good leaders. We need leaders who are moral, which is why our founding fathers established freedom of religion. This is why we need leaders who are proper thinkers. We need leaders who understand the Constitution and American principles. This is why we need strong leaders. We need leaders who will support and defend the Constitution and American principles, and who will not compromise their integrity.