D Talks #61

So, this will be a quick blog, and yeah, there’s a lot of suspicion, so I’m not sure how accurate my observations are. Anyway, so the other day, probably about a week ago, for some reason I searched for my ex girlfriend’s Instagram account. I’m sure she blocked me. So I searched for her stepdad, whose account has never been private. It’s been a while since I visited his account. One thing I observed is his last post was from about a year ago, which seemed strange, because I would have guessed the most recent post would be more recent. … Read the rest

D Talks #47

more cyberstalking and harassment – iPhone and WordPress

So, this might be the second time this has happened; after uploading D Talks #46, there was a delay between the time it was posted and the time it was actually displayed. It seemed odd the last time, but this time, it definitely seemed like the people around me knew this was going to happen; and my roommate was saying some weird stuff, that of which, I won’t repeat. Then, I focused my attention elsewhere, then checked back on the blog, and the post was finally displayed. I then check my phone, … Read the rest