One of the steps on the tutorial to setup this blog with WordPress/Bluehost is to write a post to the blog. So I wrote about moving the blog from Blogger to WordPress/Bluehost and I made sure to write that I hoped to have a good/better experience. So after the blog was setup, there was an issue with the URL; the domain name I purchased wasn’t transferred from the old blog to the new blog, and the new blog was accessible only through a temporary URL. So I contacted Bluehost, and they are very responsive, I think you can contact Bluehost 24/7. I clicked on chat with tech support and was chatting with tech support almost immediately. Another thing that was immediate was my realization that my cyberstalking stalker harassers had already contacted Bluehost to partake in the harassment. I took screenshots of the conversations with Bluehost and I’ll break them down message by message telling how I’m interpreting their implicit harassment. The blog is running smoothly as far as I can tell now. I contacted Bluehost three time, and each time there was some kind of implicit communication and harassment. What’s more, there’s something at large going on beyond Bluehost because my website seemed to be accessible by all dns servers around the world except for the server in Boston… I have screenshots of that as well and I’ll explain why it’s suspicious and significant.
So why would my cyberstalking stalker harassers want to contact Bluehost to harass me and potentially rig my site views like Google and Twitter? To rob me, essentially, and to silence me… or I guess to dissuade me from writing certain things. I’ve already been feeling a lot of negativity from certain people, which was confusing at first, but now I’m sure it’s to silence me.
So overall, I wrote too soon, cyberstalking stalker harassers got to Bluehost before I even started an account, and they anticipated this from either a reminder from my reminders or from an event on my calendar. And yeah I’m a bit disappointed, but am I surprised?… not at all.